Reshaping the digital system providing agents with customer information
Redesigning the system for Amex customer service agents to access information.
The problem space was a system used by Amex customer service agents that was legacy and clumsy. Via a series of UX methods including a design sprint and interviewing customer service agents with prototype tasks, after synthesis the design team created a much improved system.

Understanding the problem
To understand the problem the first port of call was to do a comprehensive audit of the current system, including interviews with call agents. It was essential to understand how the agents accessed some of this key information supplied to customers on the phone, often with very fast turnaround time. With much of the information collated by the agents in the form of rudimentary notes on their desktop, the process of surfacing key information began, which would inform testing.

Design sprint
A five day design sprint was completed, where the benefits of the old system were assessed, and early rudiementary prototypes were sketched out. Key considerations were transitioning from one system to another without negatively affecting the experience for the customer and agent, and also how the back end system would feed into the new system, wuld it be rebuilt or not.

Prototype testing & synthesis
Using hypotheses drawn from the sprint, protoype testing was completed with agents and team leaders talking over designated tasks within an Axure prototype. This information was then collated and translated into a deck for stakeholders. With the approach signed off the new system called CHC entered the Sketch stage. A resounding success.